The most popular live musicians in the world today

Concerts are one of many people's favorite activities - everyone wants to see their favorite artist live. But which musicians do most people want to see live these days? We have done extensive research to answer this question.

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Concerts take place all over the world and people all over the world are looking for tickets and concert dates. We looked at Google searches from 59 countries and compared which musicians' performances are most frequently searched for.

Using different word combinations like "artist" + "concert", "artist" + "tickets" or "artist" + "city", we found out for each country which artist was searched for the most on Google. The top 3 for each country are shown in the map above.

Taylor Swift takes the number 1 spot (again)

The results are interesting and reflect the current streaming landscape: the most searched for performances worldwide are those of Taylor Swift, the most streamed female musician in recent years.

Her concert dates are more sought after than those of any other musician, and she ranks number one in the largest and most populous countries in the world. Not only in her native USA, but also in Canada, Great Britain, Germany and Australia.

But she is also number one in Asia, in India, Japan and Vietnam, and in South America, in Argentina. This shows once again that Taylor Swift is probably one of the most outstanding musicians of the last century.

It has often been reported how quickly concert tickets sell out - within minutes - and at what astronomical prices they are resold. No wonder, when so many people want to see the musician live and tickets are limited.

A total of 1,010,240 million people worldwide search for concert dates or concert tickets for this musician every month.

Coldplay still immensely popular 28 years after their formation

In second place is Coldplay, one of the most successful bands of the last 20 years. They are the most popular live band in many European countries such as Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Sweden, Finland and Greece.

A total of 530,030 people worldwide search for tickets or concert dates for the band every month - almost half as many as for Taylor Swift.

Karol G rules in Spanish-speaking countries

The situation is completely different in Spanish-speaking countries, where Karol G is the most popular live artist. She ranks first in her native Colombia, Spain, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. People in these countries seem to favor artists in their own language, with the exception of Argentina, where Taylor Swift is the most popular artist, and Chile, where Iron Maiden is number one.

She is also one of the most streamed artists of recent years and has built up a huge fan base in Spain and South America.

No wonder, as she is one of the few reggaeton singers who doesn't need autotune to sing, because she sings so precisely and hits every note.

In absolute terms

The data comes from Semrush, the world's most popular and reliable keyword tool. Semrush has the largest Google keyword database in the world and regularly updates its search volume data.

This tool was used to identify and compare the highest volume Google searches ("artist + concert" + various variations such as "artist" + "concert" + "tickets" and the respective translations in each language) in each country.

The searches were then entered into Google's Keyword Planner tool to check search volume. This is Google's official tool for determining search volume.

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