Finding the perfect setup for your drums is a never-ending process that constantly changes depending on the equipment, requirements, room and performance. Here you will learn step by step how to set up your drums perfectly.
If you're just starting out in music production, you probably don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a DAW right away. That's why we've put together a list of the best free DAWs for beginners.
One week before the actual Black Friday, Europe's largest music retailer Thomann is launching Cyberweek. This week there are great offers in all categories and discounts of up to 60%. We have the best deals ...
Do you want to know what makes a good monitor for your studio and what you should look out for when buying one? Then read on to find out everything you need to know about the best studio monitors.
Every microphone has a directional characteristic that is shown in a diagram. But do you know how to read such a diagram and what it means for you as a producer/sound engineer? In this article you will learn everything ...
The same thing happens to me time and time again: When someone asks me whether they should buy an acoustic or an electronic drum kit, I almost always recommend an electric drum kit. Then I listen to the next 10 minutes, ...
Ribbon microphones were very popular in the 60s and 70s, but lost importance with the advent of inexpensive condenser microphones. In recent years, however, they have regained popularity and are now part of the basic equipment ...
Vocal recordings are probably the most important recordings of all - after all, the vocals are the centrepiece of every song. While you can still produce reasonably decent songs with mediocre drum or bass recordings, every listener immediately realises when ...
Recording the bass is a very enjoyable process and not particularly difficult. Whether with or without an amplifier - excellent results can be achieved with both methods these days. Here you will find a detailed guide to ...
The electric guitar is one of the most important instruments in modern music - it can be heard in almost every genre in one way or another. In this article, I'll explain step by step how ...